Just Observe

On a 5 day Trip to the Himalayan Mountains it´s kind of programmed that you always meet the same persons/groups on the way, so it was also this time. Started in Nayapool, in direction of Poon Hill alone with no guide or porter to help with my Backpack.

Anyway i was meeting people and groups from all kinds of backgrounds and countries, until i met this one big group of maybe 7 people, they were loud and always laughing very loud. A laugh that comes from the guts, really and all the group was like that, for me it sounded kind of creepy.

My mind went on to categorize and organize this group into to the “i dont like” shelf,  tried to overtake and avoid them the best I could the remaining of the trip.

What happened was that each day i would meet them again, always in a situation, where I would fall exactly behind them, really out of nowhere i would cross with them and fall behind them, each and every day of the 5days.

Lesson learned, try to just to observe things, without categorizing. It´s very hard to learn it as I am very much programmed to always categorize everything in an eyeblink.


Here comes the Sunset

May I present you Pokhara´s Sun, which by the way is the same you are normaly used to see…

While watching the Sun, reading the Book from John Ross Carter, which is a wersterly view of the Buddhist Theravada Tradition.

Today i got a ride with the scotter from Leo which is a German Guy i meet before, we strolled around Pokhara and tried to reach a Waterfall but the Roads are non-existent outside the city. It´s a continual Rollercoaster.

the H[i][a]ppines of Pokhara

You know, normally when I read and hear everywhere that a place is awesome, 9 out of 10 i don´t like it for any reason.
Pokhara is diferent, so laid back and easygoing is hard to beat.
It´s an obligatory mecca of any hippie to be hear once in a life time and feel it.

Pokhara is starting point for many trekks to the Himalayan Moutain Range.
Decided myself for a 5Days beginner trekk to 3200m height called Poon Hill.

Kathmandu Kathmandu

Miss already all the hasle and buzle of the Capital.
Somewhat the people are charming and friendly and are well used to ignore you all the time, which is nice for an Asian Country.

Stayed in the outscirts of Kathmandu – Swayambhu
where you can enjoy peacefull evenings oposite to Thamel, the Rome of Kathmandu. All roads lead to Thamel.
Where you can find all kinds of exotic stuff, including restaurants.

In total stayed 3 nights there, which is enough to see all the tempels and main attractions.
Get a feel of the city and people.

Pro Tip: Mobile app “Pathao” is like Nepalise Uber. At least you have a base to negotiate the price with other Taxi´s/Bike´s.